Bristol born and made to stand out, Butcombe Brewing Co. began life at a time of cultural, social and political change, crafting beer before ‘craft beer’ was even a thing.

You see, at that time, no one was risking it all starting a brewery, making simple, premium, easy-drinking ale. To do so was an act of defiance. Or madness. But, 42 years and a lot of hard graft later, by staying true to our beliefs and Bristolian roots, it looks like owning a resolutely maverick brewing company isn’t such a crazy idea after all. By going against the grain, to work intimately with it, we made our own statement with every pint. And what was true then is just as important today.

We’re made of different stuff at Butcombe. We’re an eclectic bunch of passionate people, all brought together by our love of food, drink and service. We get the greatest buzz from seeing customers enjoying the food and drink we’ve made and served with love. Everything we do is from the heart…


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